Book Value Per Share BVPS: Definition, Formula, How to Calculate, and Example

how to calculate book value of equity

Investors who can grab the stocks while costs are low in relation to the company’s book value are in an ideal position to make a substantial profit and be in a good trading position down the road. Over 1.8 million professionals use CFI to learn accounting, financial analysis, modeling and more. Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets. One of the most frequent ratios tracked by value investors is the Price / Book ratio, which measures a company’s market value versus its book value. It’s also possible that a given company has liens applied against its assets, or is facing lawsuits that, if lost, could inflict losses that erode a large amount of its balance sheet value. In sum, there’s no foolproof guarantee of investment returns, or investment safety, at a certain P/B level.

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  1. An equity investor can deepen an investment thesis by adding the book value approach to his or her analytical toolbox.
  2. Following a repurchase, such shares have effectively been retired and the number of outstanding shares decreases.
  3. Book value represents the carrying value of assets on a company’s balance sheet and, in the aggregate, is equal to the shareholders equity after the book value of liabilities are deducted from assets.
  4. In comparison, the market value of equity refers to how much the common equity of a company is worth according to the latest prices paid for each common share and the total number of shares outstanding.
  5. The value of a common stock, therefore, is related to the monetary value of the common shareholders’ residual claim on the corporation – the net asset value or common equity of the corporation.
  6. Intangible assets have value, just not in the same way that tangible assets do; you cannot easily liquidate them.

It is very important to understand the difference between equity value and enterprise value as these are two very important concepts that nearly always come up in finance interviews. For healthy companies, equity value far exceeds book value as the market value of the company’s shares appreciates over the years. It is always greater than or equal to zero, as both the share price and the number of shares outstanding can never be negative.

Book Value per Share (BVPS)

At the time Walmart’s 10-K for 2012 came out, the stock was trading in the $61 range, so the P/BVPS multiple at that time was around 2.9 times. Equity investors often compare BVPS to the market price of the stock in the form of the market price/BVPS ratio to attribute a measure of relative value to the shares. Keep in mind that book value and BVPS do not consider the future prospects of the firm – they are only snapshots of the common equity claim at any given point in time. A going concern is whether a company should always trade at a price/BVPS ratio in excess of 1 times if the market properly reflects the future prospects of the corporation and the upside potential of the stock.

Understanding Book Value Per Share (BVPS)

how to calculate book value of equity

The book value of equity (BVE) is a measure of historical value, whereas the market value reflects the prices that investors are currently willing to pay. But for low-growth companies with limited options for reinvestments, returning capital to equity holders by issuing dividends could potentially be the better choice (versus investing in high-risk, uncertain projects). To calculate the book value of equity of a company, the first step is to collect the required balance sheet data from the company’s latest financial reports such as its 10-K or 10-Q. The dilutive effect of these securities can be calculated using the treasury stock method. To calculate the diluted shares outstanding, add the additional number of shares created due to the dilutive effect of securities on the basic securities outstanding.

Book value gets its name from accounting lingo, where the accounting journal and ledger are known as a company’s “books.” In fact, another name for accounting is bookkeeping. Under the classical approach, simply subtract liabilities from assets to arrive at book value. The book value of equity (BVE) is calculated as the sum of the three ending balances. Remember that the markets are forward-looking and the market value is dependent on the outlook of the company (and industry) by investors.

The stock, then, isn’t really overpriced – its book value is lower simply because it doesn’t accurately account for all the aspects of value that the company holds. However, as the assets would be sold at market prices, and book value uses the historical costs of assets, market value is considered a better floor price than book value for a company. The book value per share (BVPS) metric can be used by investors to gauge whether a stock price is undervalued by comparing it to the firm’s market value per share. If a company’s BVPS is higher than its market value per share—its current stock price—then the stock is considered undervalued.

Finally, sum the present values of dividends and the present value of the terminal value to calculate the company’s net present value per share. While this multiple is the most well known to the general public, it is not the favorite of bankers. The reason for this is what is a balance sheet that the P/E ratio is not capital structure neutral and is affected by non-cash and non-recurring charges, and different tax rates. However, there are certain industries where the P/E ratio and equity value are more meaningful than enterprise value and its multiples.